Real Estate investing has long been proven to make tons of
CA$H for the active investor and many of the real estate
investing methods and techniques used to make some of
the biggest (and quickest) CA$H only require a little time
and a bit of knowledge (i.e., NO MONEY and NO CREDIT!) to
rapidly bring home a really big check!
That is the appeal of Real Estate investing courses to most
people ¨C to do deals that require little/no money or credit
yet pay back huge rewards for the time and knowledge you
get from following their systems.
Yet, the "investing" gets a bit lost in most of the world of
"Real Estate Investing" - there is no "investing" other than
a bit of time - there is no ROI (Return On Investment) other
than the time-for-money factor.
That is why I call these activities Real Estate Investing Jobs -
they stop bringing income as soon as you stop working
Real Estate Investing through these jobs, while they make
you CA$H, will never give you financial freedom as they only
generate quick money and not long-term, passive income.
This article will look at some of the more popular methods of
Real Estate Investing jobs.
One of the biggest challenges to overcome is the fact that,
when discussing the money made through Real Estate
Investing, the numbers of dollars are much more than your
common corporate job, and many people simply are not
ready to handle such discussions.
You see, when you were very young, you were
programmed to think that $X was a large amount and often
this amount was only a few hundred, or perhaps, a few
thousand, dollars.
Yet, when discussing Real estate investing deals, there are
often multiple thousands of dollars at stake.
Most people simply are not used to discussing such
numbers, and wind up not making the money they could.
They simply have not learned the language of Real Estate
One of the first lessons I teach my students is how to get
past the fear of discussing hundreds of thousands of dollars
and changing the programming you were given as a child to
form open ideas about money and investing to make even
more money.
One quick step you can do to begin this journey is to look
deep inside yourself and ask yourself how you feel about
money. Can you comfortably discuss figures in the hundreds
of thousands of dollars?
Most people learn quite quickly - with just a little bit of
With that in mind, it is time to look at these Real Estate
Investing Jobs more closely.
These 'jobs' bring you various levels of income, depending
on your area, so instead of discussing them in dollar values,
we will look at them from a percentage standpoint.
Of course, with these examples, the amount of work, time
and knowledge you put into it will certainly pay off more (or
1. Property Profiling (birddogging) - this popular way to get
started in real estate investing provides a real estate
investing job with a decent income - something along the
lines of what a factory worker would make in the area.
2. Lease Purchase - this powerful tool can be utilized to buy
and sell property with no money out of your pocket (a Real
Estate Investing sandwich), while keeping a nice pocketful
of money for your time (can you tell this is one of my
favorites?) An active person can make about 1.5 - 3 times
more than the Property Profiler, on average.
3. Subject To - with a bit of training, you can make this
method of real estate investing really pay off big. Once you
know how to negotiate these deals, your real estate
investing income will reach that of corporate executives -
with much less of a time requirement.
4. Foreclosures - while highly lucrative and one of the top
income producing methods of real estate investing, the time
and knowledge required to actively pursue such deals is
becoming more difficult all the time.
The payoff to those that can perform these deals is huge -
about 10 times that of the Property Profilers, however,
finding deals is much more difficult due to the number of
people looking for them.
5. Tax Lien certificates - this is a true form of Real Estate
Investing - actually putting your money into something that
produces a return - one of the safest investments around
with returns that beat any other form of passive investing.
If you have money to invest, this is a great area to get into
with 15%+ return with almost no down side.
This is still a real estate investing 'job' as tax lien
certificates are short term, quick turn profit generators, not
sustained over time, plus they take skill and talent to make
the maximum profits.
6. Short Sales - this form of Real Estate Investing is another
job, as your knowledge level and timing are extremely
important. A lot of money can be made with this type of
Real Estate Investing job - as much or more than any other
form - once you know how.
7. Secondary notes/Purchasing Equity positions - a 'higher
level' of real estate investing, where more knowledge is
needed to limit the risk, however, the returns on equity
position purchases can be extremely high - from 6%-10%
for fully passive results and 'sky's the limit' for purchasing
equity positions.
Yes, once you get past the internal false programming - the
LIES you have been taught all your life about money, you
can begin a successful career in Real Estate Investing -
through a variety of Real Estate Investing Jobs and then
onto true, full, watch-your-money-grow Real Estate
Steve Majors - The Lazy Investor Profit from Real Estate Investment articles, real estate investing information and news from one of the most creative investors on the planet ~FREE MEMBERSHIP & real estate training course~ []